American Red Cross

"Together, we can save a life!"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Helping to raise funds for disasters in the community and supplying blankets to those in need after a disaster.
Wow it has been forever since I have blogged. Life has been a little crazy. I am happy to say that I am volunteering today for ARC and "Buy a Blanket" day.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Well, the Mrs. Idaho International Pageant is officially over. Had a great time and was able to place 3rd runner up. I am very proud of what I did and the fact that I was able to bring awareness to a new group of individuals. My judges Friday night were spectacular. They were very excited and engaged in everything I had to say. Troy McClain was one of my judges and was so much fun to converse with. His interest in what I had in regard to blood donation and the gift that I have was so exciting. I will continue with my blog to keep everyone posted on my platform. Thank you for all the wonderful support.

Angela Pable
3rd Runner Up
Mrs. Idaho International Pageant

Friday, August 13, 2010

Being able to bring 5 new people in to the understanding of how they save lives is so rewarding!
I had the most amazing night tonight. It was my night to shine to 5 judges and share with them my wonderful platform for the Mrs. Idaho International Pageant.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I cannot believe the time that has passed since my last blog. I am spending great time preparing for th pageant next week and working on some one on one with myself. I am so excited and I feel that I am ready. My platform is my second life, so I am so excited to be able to share all I know to the judges of the pageant. Employees keep approaching me to see how well Scentsy did on the blood drive. Everybody is so excited when I can give them the great news on how well we did. I have not been able to volunteer these last few weeks due to preperations, but I am already on the schedule for the following week. Thank you everyone for the support that has been given to me for my cause. I do feel that I have brought more awareness to those that did not know much about the American Red Cross.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Orville and Heidi Thompson with me, Mrs. Meridian


Another exciting update.... like I said in my last blog, we had 100 first time blood donors... the average for first time donors is 38%. Our average for last week was at 71% - we made the record for largest first time donors in Meridian, ID. So many people were excited about it they have asked when our next blood drive will be. We are looking to propose 3 blood drives a year. Let's all cross our fingers that it will be approved.
I am so excited to share the great news.... out of the 140 donors last week at our Scentsy Blood Drive, 100 of them were First Time Donors. What an amazing turnout. Way to go everybody that made this happen.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I did also forget to add another blog site that I would like you to follow. Very important information from someone who is a recipient of blood every 8 weeks. Read her story, very inspiring and makes it even more why I choose to donate.
Had a wonderful day... went shopping for some more items for the pageant. I think I am getting closer to be completely finished. My husband and I dinner with my wonderful family for my daddy's birthday. The countdown has started......... three weeks from tonight there will be a new Mrs. Idaho International crowned. It will be an amazing evening.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Yay, I was finally able to give blood today for my donation. Yesterday at the blood drive I was not allowed to donate due to the fact that my heart rate was too high, but today was OK. I was able to save up to 3 babies today. The blood drive was AWESOME... most everybody that signed up showed up. I do not have the complete count but it is right around 140. That totals saving approximately 420 lives in the last 2 days. What an amazing accomplishment. Red Cross was so thankful for all that came out to donate. We are thinking about possibly having 3 blood drives a year, thank you Scentsy.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Found out today that there are only 6 slots left for this weeks blood drive, with a waiting list for alternative times. It has been crazy, and indeed fun. I am sure by now these last 6 have been filled, I will follow up tomorrow and post. Thank you to everyone that has taken the time and dedication to sign up for this cause. Remember, you will be saving lives with your donation, and for those that receive your blood, they will never be able to say enough "thank yous". It is nice to know that people still have good hearts.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Had a wonderful time camping with my family. I rested, relaxed, read, slept and did some personal soul searching. The upcoming month is going to be very busy for me. Wrapping my thoughts around the Mrs. Idaho International pageant, my goals, dreams, and what I can bring to the title of Mrs. Idaho. There are some beautiful and talented women that I will be competing against. I know that we will all walk away winners, and will have brought many strong platforms together. Speaking of platforms..... I have an update as of yesterday and the count for blood donors for this Wednesday and Thursday.... 160 appointments confirmed with 20 remaining slots open. I am so excited to say that even with the count of 160 - that is 480 lives that I will be assisting in saving. WOW!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I have had the most wonderful day. This morning I received a call from Red Cross confirming that I still have the cmv negative component in my blood. This means that I can still donate to pediatrics and premature babies. I am one of about 130 in the valley that can do this type of donation. I am very blessed to know I can do so much. I also have confirmation that the Scentsy appointments for next weeks blood drive is at 124 appointments. There are 60 more slots and we will be filled up. Right now with the 124 appointments we will save 372 people.... amazing. I am on vacation for the next few days so I am not sure how much I will be posting, but I will sure continue when I get back. Some well deserved family time.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

42 lives saved today!
Sad news. We had to stop the blood drive. The room we were using was getting too hot and unsafe for the donors. We will try it again. We did get 14 donors.
Volunteering today to help save some lives. I will let you all know how many we save today. Have a wonderful Saturday!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Volunteer work at the Red Cross last night was great. Not as many came in, but still more than none. The totals for the "Vein Ambition" drive for Scensty is growing. Yesterday we were at 55 donors, and I spoke with one of our Leads and she said that she helped sign up 5 more people last night during her shift. She was also going to help another approximate 4 employees sign up tonight. Red Cross is granting 180 donation slots for our two dates of July 21st and July 22nd. We are hoping that we fill all the available slots so that we can get more donation dates. If we have 180 people donate, we will save 540 lives. You ask how - because for every blood donation given, up to 3 lives can be saved. Wouldn't you like to say you saved a life. I have and it feels wonderful. Have a great week, enjoy the heat, and stay hydrated. Need to have those veins pumping so we can get some good donations... :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Everyone have a safe and happy Fourth of July!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I am excited to say that I will be at the Boise High Schools blood drive on July 10th from 11:00 to 4:00. I will be sure to post some pictures after I am done. I am getting anxious for Scentsy's blood drive July 21st and July 22nd. If you haven't signed up yet, there are still openings. For those that have, I will see you there.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

After her 50th blood donation. That is over 8 years + on donating to the Red Cross. Way to go Nancy!
Had the best time last night volunteering at the Red Cross. There was a wonderful donor that gave her 50th donation. That is over 8 years of donating. WOW!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wow, I'm in the newsletter about the pageant and my goals for blood donation. I am grateful for the support from Scentsy. What a great place to work!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I am so excited and happy - people are starting to sign up for the blood drive at Scentsy. It is great to see how so many people rise to a wonderful cause.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Vein Ambition - Blood Drive
Scentsy Wellness Gym
Lanark, Meridian, ID
July 21st from 1:00 to 6:00 and July 22nd 9:00 to 1:00
Go to www.redcross — click on the account log-in tab — go to donor log in and input your zip code. You will need to create a profile account. Complete the step by step process and submit. You will be re-directed to the find a blood drive page. Enter your sponsor code ‘Scentsy’ and submit. Search by blood drive date and location and you will be able to register for our event. A confirmation email will be sent to you once you have completed this process. If you need to cancel your appointment, you can log into your account and follow the instructions.

Passion for blood donation

The passion I have for blood donation has grown since I was a child. My family has the blood type of O negative with a special component that can be transfused to premature newborn babies. Knowing that this is a special privilege, donation has always been a big part of our lives. The thought of being able to save a baby so they can go home to their mommy and daddy is so rewarding.