American Red Cross

"Together, we can save a life!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I cannot believe the time that has passed since my last blog. I am spending great time preparing for th pageant next week and working on some one on one with myself. I am so excited and I feel that I am ready. My platform is my second life, so I am so excited to be able to share all I know to the judges of the pageant. Employees keep approaching me to see how well Scentsy did on the blood drive. Everybody is so excited when I can give them the great news on how well we did. I have not been able to volunteer these last few weeks due to preperations, but I am already on the schedule for the following week. Thank you everyone for the support that has been given to me for my cause. I do feel that I have brought more awareness to those that did not know much about the American Red Cross.