American Red Cross

"Together, we can save a life!"

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Had a wonderful time camping with my family. I rested, relaxed, read, slept and did some personal soul searching. The upcoming month is going to be very busy for me. Wrapping my thoughts around the Mrs. Idaho International pageant, my goals, dreams, and what I can bring to the title of Mrs. Idaho. There are some beautiful and talented women that I will be competing against. I know that we will all walk away winners, and will have brought many strong platforms together. Speaking of platforms..... I have an update as of yesterday and the count for blood donors for this Wednesday and Thursday.... 160 appointments confirmed with 20 remaining slots open. I am so excited to say that even with the count of 160 - that is 480 lives that I will be assisting in saving. WOW!