American Red Cross

"Together, we can save a life!"

Monday, August 16, 2010


Well, the Mrs. Idaho International Pageant is officially over. Had a great time and was able to place 3rd runner up. I am very proud of what I did and the fact that I was able to bring awareness to a new group of individuals. My judges Friday night were spectacular. They were very excited and engaged in everything I had to say. Troy McClain was one of my judges and was so much fun to converse with. His interest in what I had in regard to blood donation and the gift that I have was so exciting. I will continue with my blog to keep everyone posted on my platform. Thank you for all the wonderful support.

Angela Pable
3rd Runner Up
Mrs. Idaho International Pageant

Friday, August 13, 2010

Being able to bring 5 new people in to the understanding of how they save lives is so rewarding!
I had the most amazing night tonight. It was my night to shine to 5 judges and share with them my wonderful platform for the Mrs. Idaho International Pageant.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I cannot believe the time that has passed since my last blog. I am spending great time preparing for th pageant next week and working on some one on one with myself. I am so excited and I feel that I am ready. My platform is my second life, so I am so excited to be able to share all I know to the judges of the pageant. Employees keep approaching me to see how well Scentsy did on the blood drive. Everybody is so excited when I can give them the great news on how well we did. I have not been able to volunteer these last few weeks due to preperations, but I am already on the schedule for the following week. Thank you everyone for the support that has been given to me for my cause. I do feel that I have brought more awareness to those that did not know much about the American Red Cross.